06 February 2020
PanSALB to host Jabulani Tsambo memorial lecture 06 February 2020 In pursuance of its mandate, the Pan South African Language Board will on Wednesday, 19 February 2020 host the Jabulani Tsambo memorial lecture at Mmabatho Convention Centre, Dr James Moroka Drive, Montshiwa Unit-1, Mmabatho in Mafikeng. This is part of the 29 days of language […]
Ukungenelela kwePanSALB ngezinsiza zokugwema ukusabalala kwe COVID-19
Emva kwesimemezelo sikaMongameli uRamaphosa ngeSonto mhla ziyi-15 kuMashi kunyaka wezi-2020 sokuthi igciwane iKhorona (COVID-19) siyinhlekelele yezwe, iBhodi Lezilimi Kuzwelonke (iPanSALB) libe nokukhathazeka mayelana nolwazi olutholakala kuphela ngolimi lwesiNgisi. Ngakho-ke emizameni yokunqanda ukusabalala kwaleligciwane, kumele siqinisekise ukuthi abantu baseNingizimu Afrika bayaluthola ulwazi lokuzivikela kanye nezindlela zokuphepha ngolimi abaluqondayo. IBhodi Lezilimi Kuzwelonke lizinikele ekuhumusheni lonke ulwazi olumayelana […]
PanSALB Intervention to aid combat the spread of COVID-19
Following president Ramaphosa’s pronouncement which declared Coronavirus (COVID-19) a national disaster on Sunday, 15 March 2020, the Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB) has noted concerns regarding information only being available in English. Therefore, in a bid to combat the spread of the virus by ensuring that South Africans have access to information on preventative […]