Skills development in translation and development
Celebration of International Translation Day
Monitoring the use of translation and interpreting facilities
Technical support to provincial language committees.
To facilitate investigations of linguistic human rights violations and to publish findings by the Hearing Committee.
To raise awareness in order to influence and promote multilingualism in all organs of society through effective protection and promotion of linguistics human rights.
To provide legal services for the Board, Chief Executive Officer, office staff and PanSALB structures.
To act as an agent of change in assisting those who violate language rights.
To commission, studies into complaints etc.
To establish and maintain strategic partnerships and networks with the national and provincial departments of education.
To create a climate conducive to the successful implementation of the Language in Education and the Higher Education Policies in the provinces.
To identify strategic projects for the development of marginalized languages.
To create a climate conducive to the advancement of the Language in Education Policy and Multilingualism in education.
To identify mechanisms to promote all languages in education.
To assist in initiating studies and projects
To manage all PanSALB projects.
To develop and maintain a database of funded projects
To develop guidelines for project proposal writing
To coordinate applications for financial support
To provide support to National Language Bodies(NLBs) and Board members
To cooperate with both national and international research and funding bodies.
Provide technical guidance to NLBs
Ensure that the nine African language NLBs revise the spelling and orthography rules of their respective languages.
Set primary standardization processes in place
Set primary terminology development processes in place
To support reading clubs in order to encourage a culture of reading
To interact with writers’guilds
To hold workshops on selection criteria for the the prescription of books
To hold literary awards in conjunction with NLBs
To initiate and implement projects that promote languages
To identify development needs of these languages
To raise funds for recording languages that have small number of speakers left (Khoe and San), to avoid extinction.
To accelerate the production of dictionaries The purpose of the Pan South African Language Board is to promote multilingualism in South Africa by:
Creating the conditions for the development of and the equal use of all official languages;
Fostering respect for and encouraging the use of other languages in the country;
Encouraging the best use of the country’s linguistic resources, in order to enable South Africans to free themselves from all forms of linguistic discrimination, domination and division and to enable them to exercise appropriate linguistic choices for their own well being as well as for national development.